How to Publish AngularJS on SiteGround?

10 minutes read

To publish an AngularJS application on SiteGround, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Create an AngularJS application: Develop your AngularJS application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript frameworks. Make sure to include all necessary files and dependencies in your application.
  2. Purchase a hosting plan: Go to the SiteGround website and choose a suitable hosting plan for your needs. Complete the purchase and set up your hosting account.
  3. Connect to your SiteGround account: Log in to your SiteGround account using the provided credentials. Access the SiteGround cPanel from your account dashboard.
  4. Upload your application files: Open the cPanel and navigate to the File Manager tool. Locate the public_html directory, which is the root folder for your website. Upload all your AngularJS application files into the public_html directory.
  5. Configure the hosting environment: Create an .htaccess file in the public_html directory. Add necessary configurations to enable AngularJS routing and prevent server-side routing conflicts.
  6. Set up the domain: If you have a domain name registered with SiteGround, it should automatically connect to your hosting account. If you have a domain from a different provider, you need to update its DNS settings to point to your SiteGround hosting.
  7. Test your application: Open a web browser and access your domain name. Verify that your AngularJS application is loading correctly without any errors.

By following these steps, you can successfully publish your AngularJS application on SiteGround.

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How to handle form submissions in AngularJS on SiteGround?

To handle form submissions in AngularJS on SiteGround, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your AngularJS application: First, make sure you have your AngularJS application set up and running on your SiteGround hosting account. You can either upload your application files directly to the server or use Git or FTP to push your files to the server.
  2. Create a form component: Create a component or directive in your AngularJS application to handle the form submission. This component should include an HTML form with input fields and a submit button.
  3. Bind form data to your component: Use AngularJS's two-way data binding to bind your form data to your component's controller. This will allow you to access and manipulate the form data within your component.
  4. Add form submission logic: In your component's controller, add a function to handle the form submission. This function will be triggered when the submit button is clicked. You can use AngularJS's $http service to send an HTTP POST request to your server with the form data.
  5. Handle the form submission on the server: On the server side, you will need to handle the incoming form data and process it accordingly. You can use any server-side technology such as PHP, Node.js, or Python to handle the form submission.
  6. Display a success message: Once the form submission is successful, you can display a success message to the user using AngularJS's data binding. You can also clear the form data or redirect the user to a different page.

Note: SiteGround supports various server-side technologies, so you can choose the one that best fits your needs and preferences. Make sure to configure your server-side code properly to handle incoming form submissions.

Overall, handling form submissions in AngularJS on SiteGround involves setting up your AngularJS application, creating a form component, binding form data to your component, adding form submission logic, handling the form submission on the server, and displaying a success message.

What are the prerequisites for publishing AngularJS on SiteGround?

To publish an AngularJS application on SiteGround, you need to follow these prerequisites:

  1. Hosting Account: You will require an active hosting account with SiteGround. You can choose from their shared hosting plans or cloud hosting options depending on your requirements.
  2. Domain Name: You need to have a registered domain name that you can associate with your SiteGround hosting account. SiteGround offers domain registration services if you haven't registered a domain yet.
  3. File Transfer Protocol (FTP) Client: You must have an FTP client software installed on your local machine. This is necessary to transfer your AngularJS project files to the SiteGround server. Some popular FTP clients are FileZilla, WinSCP, or Cyberduck.
  4. AngularJS Project: Develop your AngularJS application locally on your computer. Ensure that the code is fully functional and works as intended.
  5. Build the Application: Before publishing, make sure to create a production-ready build of your AngularJS application using the Angular CLI or any other build tool of your choice. This process will generate optimized and minified files for deployment.
  6. Connect to Server: Use your FTP client to connect to your SiteGround server. You will need the FTP credentials provided by SiteGround, including server address, username, and password.
  7. Create a Directory: Once connected to the server, create a directory/folder where you want to publish your AngularJS application. This folder will become the public root directory for your website.
  8. Transfer Files: Use the FTP client to transfer the build files from your local machine to the server's public root directory. Maintain the same folder structure as in your development environment.
  9. Set Up .htaccess: Create a .htaccess file in the public root directory to ensure proper routing for AngularJS, as it relies heavily on client-side routing. This file should include the necessary rules to redirect all requests to the main index.html file.
  10. Test and Verify: Once the files are uploaded, verify that your AngularJS application works correctly by accessing your domain in a browser. Ensure that all routes, APIs, and functionality are functioning as expected.

Note: SiteGround uses cPanel as a control panel for managing hosting accounts. If you are using SiteGround, their support team can assist you in case you face any difficulties during the process.

What are the recommended development tools for working with AngularJS on SiteGround?

SiteGround is a web hosting provider, so it doesn't offer specific development tools for AngularJS. However, if you want to work with AngularJS on SiteGround, here are some recommended development tools:

  1. Text Editor: Use a text editor or an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) to write your AngularJS code. Some popular options include Visual Studio Code, Sublime Text, Atom, or WebStorm.
  2. Git: Version control is crucial in any development project. Git is a widely-used version control system that allows you to track changes, collaborate with others, and easily revert changes if needed.
  3. Node.js and NPM: AngularJS projects often rely on Node.js and the Node Package Manager (NPM) to manage dependencies and build processes. Make sure you have Node.js installed on your local machine to run AngularJS projects and access the vast ecosystem of NPM packages.
  4. Angular CLI: The Angular Command Line Interface (CLI) is a powerful toolset for creating, building, and managing AngularJS projects. It provides commands for generating components, services, and other AngularJS artifacts, as well as options for bundling and optimizing the project. Install it globally on your machine to work efficiently with AngularJS.
  5. Chrome DevTools: The Chrome browser's built-in developer tools give you powerful debugging and profiling capabilities specific to AngularJS applications. You can inspect and modify the DOM, monitor network requests, and troubleshoot performance issues using the various tabs provided by DevTools.
  6. Testing Frameworks: AngularJS projects benefit from using testing frameworks like Jasmine or Karma for writing unit tests. These tools provide a testing environment and helpful utilities for verifying the correctness of your code.

These tools are not specific to SiteGround but are recommended for working with AngularJS development on any hosting environment.

How to create a basic AngularJS application on SiteGround?

To create a basic AngularJS application on SiteGround, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your SiteGround hosting account and access the cPanel.
  2. Look for the "File Manager" option and click on it to open the file management interface.
  3. In the file manager, go to the public_html directory, which is the root folder for your website.
  4. Create a new folder (e.g., "myapp") within the public_html directory to store your AngularJS application files.
  5. Open the newly-created folder and click on the "Upload" button in the file manager's toolbar.
  6. Upload your AngularJS application files, including the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files, to the "myapp" folder.
  7. Once the files are uploaded, go back to the cPanel and find the "MySQL Databases" option.
  8. Create a new MySQL database and a user with all privileges for that database.
  9. Note down the database name, username, and password, as you'll need them later.
  10. Next, open a text editor and create a file named "config.js". In this file, add the following code:
var config = {
  database: {
    host: 'localhost',
    name: 'your_database_name',
    username: 'your_username',
    password: 'your_password'

  1. Replace 'your_database_name', 'your_username', and 'your_password' in the above code with the actual values of your database credentials.
  2. Save the "config.js" file and upload it to the "myapp" folder in the file manager.
  3. Now, open the AngularJS application's index.html file and update the database connection details to use the config values:
<script src="config.js"></script>

  1. Save the index.html file and go back to the file manager.
  2. Find the folder called "public_html" and move all the files and folders within the "myapp" folder to the "public_html" folder.
  3. Once the files are moved, you can access your AngularJS application by navigating to your domain name (e.g.,

That's it! Your basic AngularJS application should now be live and accessible on your SiteGround hosting account.

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