Deploying Drupal on Liquid Web?

8 minutes read

Deploying Drupal on Liquid Web is a straightforward process that can be done efficiently using the available tools and resources provided by Liquid Web. Liquid Web is a managed web hosting service that offers various hosting solutions, including cloud, dedicated, and VPS hosting.

To deploy Drupal on Liquid Web, you will need to follow these general steps:

  1. Select the appropriate hosting plan: Liquid Web offers different hosting plans to cater to various business needs. Choose the plan that best suits your requirements and budget.
  2. Provision a server: Once you have selected the hosting plan, you can provision a server from the Liquid Web control panel. Liquid Web provides a streamlined interface to create and manage servers easily.
  3. Install a supported operating system and software stack: Liquid Web offers multiple options for the operating system and software stack. Choose the desired configuration for your Drupal deployment during the server provisioning process.
  4. Configure server settings: After provisioning, you will need to configure server settings according to your Drupal deployment needs. This includes setting up DNS records, configuring firewall rules, and managing security settings.
  5. Upload and install Drupal: Use an FTP client or any file transfer method provided by Liquid Web to upload the Drupal files to your server. You can install Drupal directly from the Liquid Web control panel using their one-click installer or manually by following the Drupal installation guide.
  6. Configure Drupal settings: After installing Drupal, you will need to set up the necessary configurations for your website. This includes configuring the database connection, site name, and other Drupal-specific settings.
  7. Customize your Drupal website: Once the basic setup is complete, you can start customizing your Drupal website by choosing a theme, installing modules, and configuring additional features.
  8. Test and launch your Drupal website: Before launching your website, thoroughly test its functionality and performance. Ensure that all the features and modules are working correctly. Once satisfied, point your domain to the Liquid Web server and make your website live.

Throughout the deployment process, Liquid Web offers excellent technical support to assist you whenever needed. They also have a knowledge base, tutorials, and forums to help users with common issues or questions related to deploying Drupal on their hosting platform.

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What is the procedure for migrating Drupal content from another hosting provider to Liquid Web?

Migrating Drupal content from another hosting provider to Liquid Web typically involves the following procedure:

  1. Evaluate current hosting environment: Assess the configuration and setup of your existing Drupal site in the current hosting provider to identify any specific dependencies or requirements that need to be considered during migration.
  2. Set up a new Drupal installation on Liquid Web: Create a new Drupal installation on your Liquid Web server. Install the same version of Drupal that you have on your current hosting provider.
  3. Export the Drupal database: Export the database of your existing Drupal site from the current hosting provider. This is usually done through the phpMyAdmin interface or using command-line tools like mysqldump.
  4. Transfer files and database dump to Liquid Web: Use FTP or SFTP to transfer all the files and folders of your Drupal site from the old hosting provider to your new Liquid Web server. Also, transfer the database dump file to your new server.
  5. Import the database: Create a new database on your Liquid Web server and import the database dump file into it. Again, you can use phpMyAdmin or command-line tools like MySQL.
  6. Update site configuration files: Update the necessary configuration files in your Drupal installation on Liquid Web to reflect the new database connection details. This includes modifying the settings.php file in your Drupal site's root folder.
  7. Review and configure DNS settings: If you are migrating your domain along with the Drupal content, update your DNS settings to point to the new Liquid Web server. This step ensures that the domain name resolves to your Drupal site hosted on Liquid Web.
  8. Test the migrated site: Verify that the Drupal site is functioning correctly on Liquid Web by accessing different pages, submitting forms, and testing any custom functionalities or modules. Make sure all the content and functionalities are working as expected.
  9. Finalize the migration: Once you have confirmed everything is working fine, you can inform your previous hosting provider about the migration completion and cancel your subscription with them.

It is important to note that the above steps are general guidelines, and the specific details of the migration could vary based on your hosting environments, versions of Drupal, and any specific customizations you have made to your site.

How to enable and configure SSL for a Drupal site on Liquid Web?

To enable and configure SSL for a Drupal site on Liquid Web, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Obtain an SSL certificate: You can either purchase an SSL certificate from a trusted certificate authority or use a free SSL certificate provider like Let's Encrypt.
  2. Install the SSL certificate: Log into your Liquid Web account and navigate to your server or hosting package. Go to the "SSL" section and follow the instructions to install the SSL certificate. If you're using Let's Encrypt, Liquid Web provides a tool called "SSL/TLS Wizard" that simplifies the installation process.
  3. Update Drupal settings: Login to your Drupal admin dashboard and go to "Configuration" then "Search and metadata" and click on "Search API". Update the "Server" field to use "https://" instead of "http://".
  4. Redirect HTTP to HTTPS: Open your Drupal .htaccess file located in the root directory of your website using an FTP client or file manager provided by Liquid Web. Add the following lines at the beginning to redirect all HTTP requests to HTTPS:
<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTPS} off
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%{HTTP_HOST}%{REQUEST_URI} [L,R=301]

  1. Clear Drupal cache: Go to "Configuration" and click on "Performance". Clear the caches to ensure that Drupal picks up the changes made to the .htaccess file.
  2. Test your site: Access your Drupal site using the HTTPS protocol (e.g., and ensure that it loads properly with the SSL padlock icon in the browser.

By following the above steps, you will be able to enable and configure SSL for your Drupal site on Liquid Web.

How to backup and restore a Drupal site hosted on Liquid Web?

To backup and restore a Drupal site hosted on Liquid Web, you can follow these steps:

  1. Backup:
  • Log in to your Liquid Web account.
  • Go to the "Manage" tab and click on the managed hosting server where your Drupal site is hosted.
  • Under the "Backups" section, click on "Backup Your Server" and select the desired backup type (complete, files only, databases only).
  • Choose the backup schedule and frequency, and click on "Next".
  • Review the backup details and click on "Create Backup" to initiate the backup process.
  1. Restore:
  • Log in to your Liquid Web account.
  • Go to the "Manage" tab and click on the managed hosting server where your Drupal site is hosted.
  • Under the "Backups" section, click on "Restore Your Server".
  • Select the backup you want to restore from the list.
  • Choose whether to restore the entire server or specific files/databases.
  • Review the restore settings and click on "Restore Backup" to start the restoration process.

Note: If your Drupal site requires a database restore, you'll need to update the database credentials in the Drupal settings file (settings.php) to match the restored database details.

It's recommended to regularly backup your Drupal site to ensure you have a recent copy in case of any data loss or site issues.

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