How to Launch React.js on VPS?

8 minutes read

To launch a React.js application on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), you need to follow these steps:

  1. Set up your VPS: Choose a reliable VPS provider and create an account. Select an appropriate VPS plan based on your application's requirements. Install an operating system, such as Ubuntu or CentOS, on your VPS.
  2. Connect to your VPS: Access your VPS using SSH (Secure Shell) or a remote desktop connection provided by your VPS provider. Log in to your VPS using the credentials provided.
  3. Install Node.js and npm: Update the package repository using the package manager on your VPS, for example, apt-get or yum. Install Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) using the package manager.
  4. Set up your React.js project: Create a new directory for your React.js project on your VPS. Copy your React.js project files to the VPS using SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or Git.
  5. Install project dependencies: Navigate to your project directory. Run "npm install" to install all the necessary dependencies specified in the package.json file.
  6. Build the React.js application: Use "npm run build" to create a production-ready build of your React.js application.
  7. Serve the React.js application: Install a web server like Nginx or Apache on your VPS. Configure the web server to serve your React.js application. For example, set up a reverse proxy to redirect requests to your application's build folder.
  8. Start the web server: Start the web server on your VPS using the appropriate command or service.
  9. Test your React.js application: Access your VPS's IP address or domain name in a web browser to verify that the React.js application is successfully serving.

Congratulations! Your React.js application is now launched on your VPS. You can continue to monitor and maintain your application according to your needs.

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How to install Git on VPS?

To install Git on a VPS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your VPS via SSH: ssh username@your_ip_address
  2. Update the package lists using the package manager: sudo apt update
  3. Install Git using the package manager: sudo apt install git
  4. Verify the installation by checking the Git version: git --version

You have now successfully installed Git on your VPS. You can start using Git for version control, cloning repositories, and managing your code.

What are SSH keys and why are they more secure than passwords?

SSH keys, or Secure Shell keys, are cryptographic credentials that use public-key cryptography to authenticate a user during an SSH session. An SSH key pair consists of a private key and a corresponding public key.

Here's how SSH keys provide enhanced security compared to passwords:

  1. Stronger encryption: SSH keys use much longer and stronger encryption algorithms compared to passwords. Typically, they employ 2048-bit or 4096-bit encryption, making them harder to crack.
  2. Elimination of password-based attacks: SSH keys eliminate the risk of brute-force attacks and dictionary-based password attacks since the authentication is not reliant on a password. Even if an attacker gains access to the server, they won't be able to use the key without the corresponding private key.
  3. Increased resistance to keyloggers: With SSH keys, there is no need to type in a password that could be captured by keyloggers or other forms of malware. This reduces the risk of password theft.
  4. No password reuse: Password reuse is a common practice that can compromise security. SSH keys provide a unique key pair for each server, eliminating the risk of password reuse.
  5. Revocation and access control: In case of compromise or when access is no longer needed, SSH keys can be easily revoked, and access to the corresponding private key can be disabled. This allows for better control over access rights.
  6. Multi-factor authentication: SSH keys can be used in conjunction with passwords or additional factors like smart cards, tokens, or biometrics, providing an extra layer of security. This combination ensures that even if the key is compromised, further authentication factors are still required.
  7. Auditability and accountability: SSH keys allow for better traceability and auditing since they provide a unique identifier for each user. It is easier to monitor and track who accessed the system and when.

Overall, SSH keys provide a more secure method of authentication due to the stronger encryption, elimination of password-based attacks, reduced risk of keyloggers, absence of password reuse, revocation control, multi-factor authentication support, and improved auditability.

How to install Node.js on VPS?

To install Node.js on a VPS (Virtual Private Server), you can follow these steps:

  1. Connect to your VPS: Access your VPS using SSH or any other preferred remote access method.
  2. Update the system: Run the following commands to update the system packages: sudo apt update sudo apt upgrade
  3. Install Node.js: There are multiple ways to install Node.js on your VPS, but the most common method is via package manager. Run the following commands to use the package manager (apt) and install Node.js: curl -sL | sudo bash - sudo apt install -y nodejs Here, we are installing Node.js version 14.x. You can replace 14.x with any other desired version.
  4. Verify the installation: Once the installation is complete, you can check if Node.js is installed by running the following commands to check the version: node -v npm -v If the versions are displayed, it means Node.js and npm (Node Package Manager) have been successfully installed.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed Node.js on your VPS. Now you can start building and deploying applications using Node.js.

How to generate SSH keys for secure authentication?

To generate SSH keys for secure authentication, you can follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal or command prompt on your computer.
  2. Type the following command: ssh-keygen -t rsa.
  3. Press Enter to accept the default file location and enter a passphrase when prompted. The passphrase adds an extra layer of security to your key.
  4. The command will generate two files: a private key (id_rsa) and a public key ( The private key should never be shared, while the public key can be safely distributed.
  5. You can optionally specify a custom file name and location by adding -f /path/to/file after the ssh-keygen command.
  6. Once the keys are generated, you can view the public key by typing cat ~/.ssh/ on Unix-based systems or type %userprofile%\.ssh\ on Windows.
  7. Copy the entire public key (starting with ssh-rsa and ending with your email address) to your clipboard.
  8. Now, you can add the SSH key to the authorized_keys file on the server you want to connect to. This file is usually located at ~/.ssh/authorized_keys. If the file doesn't exist, create it.
  9. Paste your public key into the authorized_keys file and save the changes.
  10. Set the correct permissions on the authorized_keys file by typing chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on Unix-based systems or icacls "%userprofile%\.ssh\authorized_keys" /t /c /grant:r "%username%":F on Windows.
  11. You can now use your private key for secure authentication by specifying it when connecting to SSH servers.
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