How to Launch Zabbix Server on Cloudways?

8 minutes read

Launching Zabbix server on Cloudways involves a few steps. First, you need to sign in to your Cloudways account. Then, click on the "Launch" button located on the top menu. In the "Choose Application" section, select the "PHP Stack" option. Next, select the desired server size and the data center region. Provide a name for your application.

In the "Select App" section, choose the desired Zabbix version from the dropdown menu. For example, Zabbix 5.4 LTS or Zabbix 6.0 LTS. Under the "Server and App Settings" section, select the server provider and the desired infrastructure size for your Zabbix server. You can also opt for vertical scaling later if you need to increase server resources.

After configuring the server settings, enter the application name, project name, and specify the desired deployment time. Ensure that the "Monitoring Enable" checkbox is ticked if you want Cloudways to monitor your Zabbix server. You can also enable automatic backups for additional data security.

Finally, click on the "Launch Now" button to start the deployment process. Cloudways will initiate the installation of Zabbix server based on the selected specifications. Once the server is ready, you can access your Zabbix portal by clicking on the application URL provided in the Cloudways panel.

That's how you can launch Zabbix server on Cloudways.

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How to set up SNMP monitoring with Zabbix server on Cloudways?

To set up SNMP monitoring with Zabbix server on Cloudways, follow these steps:

  1. Launch a server on Cloudways: Start by setting up an instance on Cloudways. Login to your Cloudways account, select a cloud provider, and set up a server with your preferred specifications.
  2. Install Zabbix server: After launching the server, log in to the server via SSH using a terminal application like PuTTY. Once logged in, run the following commands to install and set up Zabbix server:
sudo dpkg -i zabbix-release_5.4-1+debian10_all.deb
sudo apt update
sudo apt install zabbix-server-mysql zabbix-frontend-php zabbix-agent snmp -y

  1. Configure SNMP on the server: Open the SNMP daemon configuration file by running the following command:
sudo nano /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf

In the file, uncomment the following line by removing the '#' symbol:

agentAddress udp:161,udp6:[::1]:161

Save and exit the file by pressing Ctrl+X, then Y, and Enter.

  1. Configure Zabbix server: Edit the Zabbix server configuration file by running the following command:
sudo nano /etc/zabbix/zabbix_server.conf

Inside the file, locate the line with 'DBPassword' and set the password for the Zabbix database user. Save and exit the file.

  1. Restart services: Restart the SNMP and Zabbix services using the following commands:
sudo systemctl restart snmpd
sudo systemctl restart zabbix-server
sudo systemctl enable snmpd
sudo systemctl enable zabbix-server
sudo systemctl restart apache2

  1. Access the Zabbix web interface: Open your web browser and go to your server's IP address followed by '/zabbix'. For example, if your server IP address is '', enter '' in the address bar.
  2. Complete the Zabbix installation: Follow the on-screen instructions to complete the Zabbix installation. Provide the necessary information, including the database details and password set earlier.
  3. Configure SNMP devices: Once logged in to the Zabbix web interface, go to 'Configuration' > 'Hosts' and click 'Create host'. Provide the necessary details for the SNMP device you want to monitor, including the IP address, SNMP interface, and SNMP version.
  4. Enable SNMP monitoring: After adding the device, go to the 'Templates' section in the host configuration and click on 'Select'. Search for and select the SNMP template suitable for your device. Save the changes.
  5. Test SNMP monitoring: Wait for a few minutes for Zabbix to collect and display SNMP data for your device. You can now monitor your SNMP device using Zabbix.

That's it! You have successfully set up SNMP monitoring with Zabbix server on Cloudways.

What is the purpose of triggers in Zabbix server on Cloudways?

Triggers in Zabbix server on Cloudways have the purpose of monitoring and detecting specific events or conditions in a system. They allow you to set up rules or conditions based on predefined actions or thresholds, which when triggered, will generate notifications or perform other actions.

Triggers are used to monitor metrics such as CPU usage, disk space, network traffic, application performance, or any other metric that can be collected by Zabbix. When a trigger's defined condition is met, it will change its state, which can be used to generate alerts or trigger other automated actions.

For example, if you want to be notified when the CPU usage of your server exceeds a certain threshold, you can create a trigger with a condition like "CPU usage > 90% for 5 minutes". Whenever this condition is met, the trigger will change its state to "problem" and can be used to send an email, SMS, or perform any other action specified in the Zabbix configuration.

Overall, triggers in Zabbix server on Cloudways enable proactive monitoring and alerting, helping system administrators identify and resolve issues before they impact the performance or availability of their systems.

How to monitor network devices with Zabbix server on Cloudways?

To monitor network devices with Zabbix server on Cloudways, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up a Zabbix server on Cloudways: Log in to your Cloudways account and navigate to the Applications tab. Click on your Zabbix server application or create a new one. Install Zabbix server on Cloudways using the built-in application installer.
  2. Configure Zabbix server: Access the Zabbix server by clicking on its URL or IP address in the Applications tab. Log in to the Zabbix server using the default credentials (Admin/zabbix) or the ones you set during installation. Navigate to the Configuration > Hosts section and click on "Create Host" to add the network device you want to monitor. Provide the necessary information for the network device, such as DNS name/IP address, port, and other details. Select the appropriate host group and other configuration settings for monitoring.
  3. Configure the network device for monitoring: Access the network device's management interface or console. Enable SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) on the device if it's not already enabled. Configure SNMP community strings, SNMP version, and other parameters based on your network device's specifications. Make sure the Zabbix server's IP address is allowed to access the network device via SNMP.
  4. Configure Zabbix server to receive SNMP data from the device: Navigate to the Configuration > Templates section in the Zabbix server. Click on "Import" to import the SNMP templates for the network device you want to monitor. You can find SNMP templates specific to various devices on the Zabbix website or community forums. Once imported, associate the imported template with the host you created earlier.
  5. Test and verify the network device monitoring: Wait for a few minutes for Zabbix server to collect SNMP data from the network device. Check the Monitoring > Latest Data section in the Zabbix server to verify if the network device's metrics and data are being captured. Set up triggers, graphs, and other monitoring features of Zabbix according to your requirements.

By following these steps, you should be able to monitor network devices using Zabbix server on Cloudways effectively.

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