How to Run Gatsby on A2 Hosting?

12 minutes read

Running Gatsby on A2 Hosting involves a few steps:

  1. Choose a suitable hosting plan from A2 Hosting that meets your requirements. Ensure that the plan supports Node.js and allows SSH access.
  2. Once you have signed up for the hosting plan and obtained your account credentials, log in to your A2 Hosting control panel.
  3. Navigate to the File Manager section and locate your website's root directory. This is usually named "public_html" or "www".
  4. Create a new directory within the root directory where you will install Gatsby. You can name it anything you prefer, such as "gatsby".
  5. Open a terminal or SSH client and connect to your A2 Hosting account using the provided SSH credentials.
  6. Navigate to the newly created directory within the terminal using the "cd" command. For example, if you named it "gatsby", type: cd public_html/gatsby.
  7. Install Node.js and npm on your server if they are not already installed. You can check their versions using node -v and npm -v commands. If they are not installed, you can follow the A2 Hosting documentation or contact their support for assistance.
  8. Once Node.js and npm are set up, you can initialize a new Gatsby site within the directory. Run the command: npx gatsby new . This will create a new Gatsby site with the default starter template.
  9. Gatsby requires certain dependencies to run, so you need to install them. Run npm install to fetch all the necessary packages.
  10. After the installation is complete, you can build your Gatsby site. Run the command: npm run build. This will generate a production-ready version of your site.
  11. Once the build is finished, you can serve your Gatsby site using a static file server. A2 Hosting typically uses Apache, so you can use an Apache VirtualHost configuration to serve your site.
  12. In your A2 Hosting control panel, go to the Domain section and add a new domain or subdomain that you want to use for your Gatsby site. Note down the document root for that domain/subdomain.
  13. Create an Apache VirtualHost configuration file using a text editor. For example, you can use nano command: nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/gatsby.conf. Replace /etc/apache2/sites-available/gatsby.conf with the path and filename you prefer.
  14. Inside the configuration file, add the necessary server directives. For example:
<VirtualHost *:80>
    DocumentRoot /home/your_hostname/public_html/gatsby/public
    <Directory /home/your_hostname/public_html/gatsby/public>
        AllowOverride All
        Require all granted

Replace "" with your actual domain/subdomain name and "your_hostname" with your A2 Hosting account's hostname.

  1. Save the configuration file and exit the text editor.
  2. Enable the virtual host configuration using the command: sudo a2ensite gatsby.conf. Replace "gatsby.conf" with the actual filename you used in step 13.
  3. Restart Apache to apply the changes: sudo service apache2 restart.
  4. Your Gatsby site should now be accessible via the domain/subdomain you configured. Visit your website in a web browser to verify its functionality.

These steps provide a general guide on how to run Gatsby on A2 Hosting. However, depending on your specific hosting environment and requirements, there might be slight variations. If you encounter any difficulties, it is advisable to consult the A2 Hosting documentation or contact their support for further assistance.

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How to add contact forms to a Gatsby site on A2 hosting?

To add contact forms to a Gatsby site on A2 Hosting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Choose a contact form solution: There are several contact form solutions available that can be integrated with Gatsby, such as Formspree, Netlify Forms, or even a custom solution using serverless functions. Decide which one suits your needs.
  2. Install the necessary dependencies: If you choose a contact form solution like Formspree or Netlify Forms, you will need to install their respective npm packages. Open your project folder in Terminal or Command Prompt and run the following command: npm install formspree-react or npm install netlify-forms
  3. Create a contact form component: In your Gatsby project, create a new component file named ContactForm.js. import React from "react"; import { useForm } from "formsy-react"; const ContactForm = () => { const handleSubmit = (data) => { // Logic to handle form submission // API call or other actions console.log(data); }; const { ... } = useForm({ onSubmit: handleSubmit }); return ( {/* Form fields */} ); }; export default ContactForm;
  4. Add form fields: Inside the ContactForm component, add the necessary form fields such as name, email, message, etc. Example:
  5. Implement form submission: In the handleSubmit function of ContactForm.js, you can call the appropriate API endpoint or perform other actions to handle the form submission, depending on the contact form solution you chose. For Formspree: You need to specify the action attribute of the tag as the Formspree URL, and Formspree will handle the submission and send you an email notification. Example: ... For Netlify Forms: Netlify Forms need additional setup. First, ensure you have a Netlify account and your Gatsby site is deployed to Netlify. Then, set the action attribute of the tag to the relative URL of your form submission endpoint. Example: ... In your Netlify dashboard, set up form notifications to receive form submissions.
  6. Use the ContactForm component: Finally, import and use the ContactForm component in the desired page or layout where you want the contact form to appear. import React from "react"; import ContactForm from "../components/ContactForm"; const ContactPage = () => { return (

    Contact us

    ); }; export default ContactPage;

Remember to customize the form fields, styling, and form submission handling based on your specific requirements and the contact form solution you choose.

What is Gatsby's data layer and how to fetch data in a Gatsby site hosted on A2 hosting?

Gatsby's data layer refers to the concept of using GraphQL to fetch and manage data in a Gatsby site. Gatsby leverages GraphQL to query data from various sources such as APIs, markdown files, databases, etc. This data is then used to generate the static HTML of the site during the build process.

To fetch data in a Gatsby site hosted on A2 hosting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Set up your Gatsby project locally with necessary configurations, using the Gatsby CLI or manually.
  2. Configure and install the required plugins for data sourcing and transformation. This could include plugins like gatsby-source-graphql, gatsby-source-filesystem, or any other relevant plugin based on your data sources.
  3. Develop your GraphQL queries using Gatsby's GraphQL playground (localhost:8000/___graphql) or any other GraphQL editor of your choice. These queries will be used to fetch data from the configured sources.
  4. Test and validate your query results locally to ensure the desired data is fetched using GraphQL.
  5. Build your Gatsby site using the command gatsby build. This will generate the static HTML and assets for your site.
  6. Upload the generated build folder to A2 hosting using FTP, SFTP, or any other deployment method supported by A2 hosting.
  7. Configure the necessary server settings on A2 hosting to serve the uploaded Gatsby build folder as your website.

Once deployed, your Gatsby site hosted on A2 hosting will automatically fetch the data during the build process and generate the necessary static HTML, which can then be served to visitors.

What is the recommended folder structure for a Gatsby project on A2 hosting?

There is no specific recommended folder structure for a Gatsby project on A2 hosting as it is mainly dependent on your project's requirements and personal preferences. However, below is a common folder structure that can be used as a starting point:

  • src: This is the main folder where you will keep all your source code files. assets: Contains all the static assets like images, fonts, etc. components: Stores all the reusable React components. pages: This is where you create your pages and routes. styles: Consists of all the global styles and CSS/Sass files. templates: Stores templates for dynamic pages, if necessary. utils: Contains utility functions and shared helpers.
  • static: This folder contains static files that will be directly copied to the output folder during the build process, such as favicon.ico, robots.txt, etc.
  • .gatsby: This folder consists of cache and build-related files generated by Gatsby.
  • .gitignore: A file that lists files and directories which should be ignored by version control (e.g., node_modules, .cache, public, etc.).
  • gatsby-config.js: The main configuration file for your Gatsby project, where you can set up plugins, site metadata, and other project-specific settings.
  • gatsby-node.js: This file is used to programmatically create pages, customize the build process, and handle other node-related actions in Gatsby.
  • package-lock.json: Generated by npm or Yarn to keep track of the installed package versions. You should not modify this file manually.
  • package.json: Contains project metadata and defines the scripts, dependencies, and devDependencies for your project.

These are some commonly used folders and files in a typical Gatsby project. However, you can customize and add more folders as per your project requirements, for example, to store API files, GraphQL queries, tests, etc.

How to add pagination to a Gatsby site on A2 hosting?

To add pagination to a Gatsby site on A2 Hosting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Install the required packages: Gatsby Pagination, Gatsby Node, and Moment. npm install gatsby-pagination gatsby-node moment
  2. Update your gatsby-node.js file: Import the required packages at the top of the file: const { createPaginationPages } = require("gatsby-pagination"); const Moment = require("moment"); Add a function to generate the pagination: const generatePagination = (createPage, edges, templatePath, context) => { createPaginationPages({ edges, createPage, pageTemplate: templatePath, pageLength: 10, // Number of posts per page pathPrefix: context.prefix, // Path prefix for your paginated pages buildPath: (index, pathPrefix) => index > 1 ? `${pathPrefix}/page/${index}` : `/${pathPrefix}`, }); }; Modify the exports.onCreatePage function to generate the paginated pages: exports.createPages = ({ actions, graphql }) => { const { createPage } = actions; const blogPostTemplate = path.resolve(`src/templates/blog-post.js`); return graphql(` { allMarkdownRemark( sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC } ) { edges { node { frontmatter { path } } } } } `).then((result) => { const posts =; const context = { prefix: "blog" }; // Replace "blog" with your desired path prefix generatePagination(createPage, posts, blogPostTemplate, context); posts.forEach(({ node }) => { const path = node.frontmatter.path; createPage({ path, component: blogPostTemplate, context, }); }); }); };
  3. Create a page-template.js file in your src/templates directory with the pagination template: import React from "react"; import { graphql } from "gatsby"; import Layout from "../components/layout"; export default ({ data }) => { const edges = data.allMarkdownRemark.edges; return (
    {{ node }) => (



    ); }; export const query = graphql` query($skip: Int!, $limit: Int!) { allMarkdownRemark( sort: { fields: [frontmatter___date], order: DESC } limit: $limit skip: $skip ) { edges { node { frontmatter { title path } excerpt } } } } `;
  4. Update your gatsby-config.js file to include the required plugins: module.exports = { plugins: [ // Other plugins... "gatsby-pagination", { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `pages`, path: `${__dirname}/src/pages/`, }, }, { resolve: `gatsby-source-filesystem`, options: { name: `posts`, path: `${__dirname}/src/posts/`, }, }, // Other plugins... ], };
  5. Build and deploy your Gatsby site to A2 Hosting: gatsby build Upload the generated public folder to your A2 Hosting server using an FTP client or your preferred method.

Now, your Gatsby site on A2 Hosting should have pagination enabled. The blog posts will be split into multiple pages with a specified number of posts per page.

What are the available deployment methods for a Gatsby site on A2 hosting?

There are several available deployment methods for a Gatsby site on A2 Hosting:

  1. Manual FTP/SFTP: You can manually upload your Gatsby site files to your A2 Hosting account using an FTP/SFTP client like FileZilla.
  2. Git: A2 Hosting supports Git for version control. You can set up a Git repository for your Gatsby site and use Git commands to deploy your site to A2 Hosting.
  3. SSH: If you have SSH access to your A2 Hosting account, you can use SSH commands to clone your Gatsby site repository and deploy it to your hosting account.
  4. A2 Optimized WordPress: If you are using the A2 Optimized WordPress hosting plan, you can utilize the One-Click Gatsby integration. This feature allows you to easily deploy your Gatsby site alongside your WordPress site on A2 Hosting.
  5. Custom scripts: You can create custom scripts using tools like Jenkins or Travis CI that automatically build and deploy your Gatsby site to A2 Hosting whenever changes are pushed to your repository.

These are just some of the available deployment methods for a Gatsby site on A2 Hosting. The best method for you may vary depending on your hosting plan, technical expertise, and personal preferences.

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