How to Run MODX on A2 Hosting?

12 minutes read

To run MODX on A2 Hosting, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Begin by signing up for a hosting account with A2 Hosting and choose a suitable hosting plan.
  2. Once you have signed up and gained access to your hosting account, log in to the cPanel, which is the control panel provided by A2 Hosting.
  3. In the cPanel, locate the "File Manager" tool and click on it. This tool allows you to manage your website files directly through your web browser.
  4. In the File Manager, navigate to the "public_html" folder or the folder where you want to install MODX. If you want to install it in the root directory, then choose the "public_html" folder.
  5. Inside the chosen folder, click on the "Upload" button to upload the MODX installation package. This package can be downloaded from the official MODX website.
  6. After the upload is complete, return to the File Manager and locate the MODX installation package that you just uploaded. Right-click on it and choose the "Extract" option to extract the files.
  7. Once the extraction is complete, you should see a new folder created by the extraction process. Open this folder.
  8. Select all the files and folders inside the extracted folder, and click on the "Move" button in the File Manager toolbar.
  9. In the pop-up window, enter the location where you want to move the files. If you are installing MODX in the root directory, leave it blank. Otherwise, enter the desired subdirectory name.
  10. After moving the files, you need to set the correct file permissions. Select all the files and folders again and click on the "Permissions" button in the File Manager toolbar.
  11. In the Permissions window, assign the appropriate permissions by checking the boxes. Usually, folders should have a permission of 755, and files should have 644. Make sure to tick the box that enables recursive permissions.
  12. With the file permissions set, open up a web browser and enter your website URL (or the specific subdirectory URL if applicable) in the address bar.
  13. The MODX installation wizard should now begin. Follow the on-screen instructions to configure the database, website settings, and create an administrator account.
  14. Once the installation is complete, you will be able to access the MODX Manager, which is the administrative interface for your website.

Congratulations! You have successfully installed MODX on A2 Hosting and can start building your website using the MODX platform.

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How to monitor and track website traffic and analytics for a MODX site on A2 hosting?

To monitor and track website traffic and analytics for a MODX site on A2 hosting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign up for a Google Analytics account: Go to the Google Analytics website and sign up for a free account by providing the required information.
  2. Obtain your Tracking ID: After signing up, Google Analytics will provide you with a Tracking ID. It will look like "UA-12345678-1". Make sure to copy this ID as you will need it later.
  3. Install the Google Analytics MODX Extra: In your MODX site, go to the "Extras" section in the MODX Manager. Search for "Google Analytics" and click on "Install" to download and install the Google Analytics Extra.
  4. Configure the Google Analytics Extra: Once installed, go to the "Extras" section again and click on "Google Analytics" to configure the Extra. Enter your Tracking ID in the appropriate field and save the configuration.
  5. Enable tracking for your pages: In the MODX Manager, open the template or resource you want to track. Make sure you have the "Rich Text" editor enabled. Locate the "Content" field, switch to HTML mode, and look for the tag. Paste the following code just above it:
[[!GoogleAnalytics? &accountId=`your_account_id`]]

Replace your_account_id with your actual Google Analytics Tracking ID.

  1. Test and verify: Save the changes, clear the MODX cache, and navigate to your website. Open some pages to generate traffic and visit the Google Analytics website. Go to the "Real-Time" section under "Reports" to see if your website data is being tracked and displayed.

That's it! You have successfully set up website traffic monitoring and analytics for your MODX site on A2 hosting using Google Analytics.

How to manage user permissions in MODX on A2 hosting?

To manage user permissions in MODX on A2 Hosting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your MODX Manager by accessing the /manager/ directory of your MODX site.
  2. Click on the "Security" menu in the top navigation bar, and then select "Access Control Lists".
  3. On the Access Control Lists page, you will see a list of user groups. Create a new user group or select an existing one to manage its permissions.
  4. To assign permissions to the user group, click on the "Permissions" tab.
  5. On the Permissions tab, you can select specific policy templates or individual resources and assign permissions such as view, edit, create, delete, etc.
  6. By default, the "Administrators" group has full access to all permissions. Use caution when assigning permissions to other user groups.
  7. Click on the "Save" button to save the changes.

Additionally, if you want to create new user accounts or manage existing user accounts, you can do so by following these steps:

  1. In the MODX Manager, go to the "Security" menu and select "User Groups".
  2. On the User Groups page, you can create new user groups or select existing ones to manage their settings.
  3. To create a new user account, click on the "Users" tab and then click on the "New User" button.
  4. Fill in the required details, such as username, password, email, etc. You can also assign the user to one or more user groups.
  5. Click on the "Save" button to create the new user account.

That's it! You have now learned how to manage user permissions and create user accounts in MODX on A2 Hosting.

What is A2 hosting and why should I choose it for running MODX?

A2 Hosting is a web hosting provider that offers various hosting services, including shared hosting, VPS hosting, and dedicated hosting. They are known for their high-performance servers, reliable uptime, and excellent customer support.

MODX is a popular content management system (CMS) that allows users to build and manage websites easily. Choosing A2 Hosting for running MODX can be beneficial for a few reasons:

  1. Speed and Performance: A2 Hosting utilizes SSD drives, Turbo Servers, and caching mechanisms to ensure fast loading times and optimal performance for your website.
  2. Uptime Guarantee: A2 Hosting guarantees 99.9% uptime, which means your website will be available to visitors most of the time without any significant interruptions.
  3. Developer-Friendly Environment: A2 Hosting provides developer-friendly features like PHP versions selection, SSH access, Git integration, and other tools that make it easier to work with and customize MODX.
  4. Expert Support: A2 Hosting has a reputation for providing excellent customer support. Their team of experts is available 24/7 to assist you with any hosting-related issues or questions.
  5. Security Measures: A2 Hosting takes security seriously and offers various security features like free SSL certificates, server hardening, brute force defense, and more to protect your website from cyber threats.

Overall, A2 Hosting is a reliable and performance-oriented web hosting provider that can effectively support and optimize the performance of your MODX website.

What are the recommended security practices for running MODX on A2 hosting?

Here are some recommended security practices for running MODX on A2 hosting:

  1. Keep MODX updated: Regularly update your MODX installation to the latest version. This ensures that you have the latest security patches and fixes.
  2. Use strong passwords: Set strong and unique passwords for your MODX administrator account, database, and FTP. Avoid using common or easily guessable passwords.
  3. Secure your file permissions: Set proper file permissions to ensure that only the necessary files are readable, writable, or executable. Generally, MODX files should have permissions set to 644, and directories should have permissions set to 755.
  4. Use a secure connection: Enable SSL for your MODX site to encrypt data transmission between your site and users. You can obtain an SSL certificate from your hosting provider or use a free SSL certificate provider.
  5. Limit access to MODX administration: Restrict access to the MODX administrator area by IP address or use additional authentication methods like two-factor authentication (2FA).
  6. Regularly backup your site: Create regular backups of your MODX site to ensure that you can restore it in case of any security incidents or accidental data loss. A2 hosting provides automated backup services, so make use of them.
  7. Use strong security plugins: Utilize security plugins like "LoginGuard" or "Security Suites" to add an extra layer of security to your MODX installation.
  8. Monitor for security threats: Periodically monitor your MODX site for any security threats or vulnerabilities. Use security monitoring tools or consult with security professionals to check for vulnerabilities and keep your site protected.
  9. Protect your server: In addition to securing your MODX installation, make sure to implement server-level security measures. This includes regularly updating your server software, firewall configuration, and intrusion detection systems.
  10. Stay informed and educate yourself: Stay updated with the latest security best practices, news, and vulnerabilities related to MODX and web security in general. Regularly educate yourself and your team to ensure you are following the latest security standards.

Remember, security is an ongoing process, and it's important to stay vigilant and proactive in protecting your MODX site on A2 hosting.

How to update MODX to the latest version on A2 hosting?

To update MODX to the latest version on A2 hosting, you can follow these steps:

  1. Backup your MODX website: Before performing any update, it is always recommended to backup your website files and database. You can use the available backup tools or manually download a copy of your MODX files and export your database.
  2. Download the latest MODX version: Visit the official MODX website ( and download the latest stable release of MODX.
  3. Access your A2 hosting account: Login to your A2 hosting account using the provided credentials.
  4. File Manager: Once logged in, locate and access the File Manager in your hosting control panel. Navigate to the directory where your MODX installation is located. Typically, the MODX files are stored in the public_html or www directory.
  5. Delete Core files: Delete the existing MODX core files and folders in the directory, excluding the config and assets folders.
  6. Upload the new MODX version: Extract the downloaded MODX package on your local computer. Using FTP or the File Manager's file upload feature, upload the extracted files and folders to the same directory on your A2 hosting account.
  7. Update the config file: Locate the config.core.php file within the config folder. Open it for editing and update the database login details if necessary, ensuring they match your current MODX configuration. Save the changes.
  8. Update permissions: Right-click on the core folder within the MODX installation directory and select "Change Permissions" (or similar option). Ensure that the permissions are correctly set to allow read and write access.
  9. Run the upgrade script: Open a web browser and navigate to your MODX website. The MODX upgrade script should automatically detect the update and display the upgrade page. Follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the update.
  10. Check your website: Once the upgrade process completes, visit your website and ensure that everything is functioning correctly. Verify that your pages, templates, plugins, and customizations are working as expected.

It is important to note that since every hosting environment may have its own unique configurations, some steps might vary slightly. It is always recommended to refer to the official MODX documentation or seek assistance from A2 hosting support if you encounter any issues during the update process.

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