How to Set Up TikTok Pixel For Tracking Website Events?

7 minutes read

To set up TikTok Pixel for tracking website events, follow these steps:

  1. First, go to the TikTok Ads Manager and create an ad account if you don't have one already.
  2. Once inside the Ads Manager, click on the "Assets" tab and select "Pixels."
  3. Click on the button that says "Add Pixel" to create a new TikTok Pixel.
  4. Provide a name for your Pixel and choose the applicable industry. Click on "Create" to proceed.
  5. You will get a TikTok Pixel Tracking Code. Copy this code and insert it into the header section of your website's HTML. This can usually be done by pasting the code snippet before the closing tag.
  6. After adding the code, save and publish the changes on your website.
  7. Return to the TikTok Pixel setup page and click on the "Verify" button. TikTok will check if the pixel is successfully installed and working properly on your website.
  8. Once verified, you can start tracking website events. Under the "Events" tab, you'll find a list of events you can track, such as page visits, conversions, purchases, and more.
  9. To track an event, click on the event name, select the appropriate category, and define the parameters. Save the event after setting it up.
  10. You can further test your events to ensure they are being tracked correctly by using TikTok Pixel Helper, a Chrome browser extension.
  11. Once the events are set up and tested, you can use these events to optimize your TikTok ad campaigns and target specific audiences.

Remember, TikTok Pixel allows you to gather valuable data about your website visitors' behavior, optimizing your ad campaigns and improving your overall marketing strategy on the platform.

How to set up TikTok Pixel for tracking form submissions?

To set up TikTok Pixel for tracking form submissions, follow these steps:

  1. Create a TikTok Pixel: Go to the TikTok Ads Manager (, log in with your TikTok Ads account, and go to the "Pixels" tab. Click on "Create Pixel" to generate a new TikTok Pixel if you haven't already.
  2. Install TikTok Pixel code: Copy the TikTok Pixel code provided by TikTok and paste it into the header section of your website's HTML code. Make sure to place it just above the closing tag.
  3. Customize the TikTok Pixel code: Modify the TikTok Pixel code to include the appropriate parameters for tracking form submissions. You need to add event code inline with the form submission button. For example, depending on the form submission button structure, you can add an onclick attribute to the button tag like this: SubmitThen, define the tikTokPixelEvent() function just above the TikTok Pixel code:
  4. Set up a Custom Conversion event: In the TikTok Ads Manager, navigate to the "Pixels" tab and select your TikTok Pixel. Click on "Custom Conversion" and then "Create Custom Conversion". Fill in the necessary details for your form submission tracking, such as name, path, and event details. Save the custom conversion.
  5. Test and verify: Submit a form on your website and verify if the TikTok Pixel fires the correct events. You can use browser extensions like "Facebook Pixel Helper" (also works for TikTok Pixel) or check the network requests in the browser's developer tools to see if the TikTok Pixel fires when you submit the form.

Once everything is set up and working correctly, you can create custom audiences or optimize your TikTok ad campaigns based on form submissions tracked by the TikTok Pixel.

What is the difference between TikTok Pixel and Facebook Pixel?

TikTok Pixel and Facebook Pixel are both tracking pixels used for collecting and analyzing user behavior and conversions on their respective platforms. However, there are some differences between the two:

  1. Platform: TikTok Pixel is used exclusively on the TikTok platform, whereas Facebook Pixel is used on Facebook as well as other platforms within the Facebook advertising network (Instagram, Audience Network, etc.).
  2. Ad Network: While Facebook Pixel primarily supports Facebook's ad network, TikTok Pixel is developed to enhance advertising and measurement capabilities on TikTok's own ad network.
  3. User Base: Facebook has a significantly larger user base compared to TikTok. Having a Facebook Pixel allows reaching a larger audience and leveraging Facebook's extensive ad targeting and data capabilities.
  4. Functionality: Both pixels serve similar purposes, including tracking conversions, optimizing ad delivery, and creating custom audiences. However, Facebook Pixel offers more comprehensive analytics and advanced features due to its mature ecosystem and wider adoption.
  5. Integrations: Facebook Pixel can integrate with various third-party tools, marketing platforms, and other analytics software, allowing for better data analysis and campaign optimization. TikTok Pixel, being relatively newer, has limited integrations but continues to expand its capabilities.
  6. Ad Options: Facebook Pixel allows creating and running various ad formats across different placements within the Facebook ecosystem. In contrast, TikTok Pixel is primarily focused on in-feed placements within the TikTok app.

In summary, while both pixels are used for tracking and measurement purposes, TikTok Pixel is designed specifically for TikTok's ad ecosystem and has a narrower set of features compared to Facebook Pixel, which offers a wider range of capabilities across multiple platforms.

What is the audience builder feature in TikTok Pixel?

The audience builder feature in TikTok Pixel allows advertisers to create custom audiences by combining different parameters such as user behavior, demographics, app activity, and more. Advertisers can define their target audience based on specific criteria and then use this information to deliver more personalized and relevant ads to those users on the TikTok platform. The audience builder feature helps advertisers reach the right people with their ads and enhance their overall advertising strategy on TikTok.

What are standard and custom events in TikTok Pixel?

In TikTok Pixel, there are two types of events: standard events and custom events.

  1. Standard Events: These are pre-defined events that TikTok provides to track common user actions. They include:
  • PageView: Fired when a webpage is loaded or refreshed.
  • ViewContent: Fired when a user views specific content on a webpage.
  • AddToCart: Fired when a user adds an item to their shopping cart.
  • Purchase: Fired when a user completes a purchase.
  • Search: Fired when a user performs a search on a webpage.
  • InitiateCheckout: Fired when a user begins the checkout process.
  • Lead: Fired when a user submits a lead form on a webpage.
  • CompleteRegistration: Fired when a user completes a registration form.
  1. Custom Events: These are events that you can define based on your specific needs and business logic. Custom events offer more flexibility and are useful to track actions unique to your business. Examples of custom events can be 'AddToWishlist', 'WatchVideo', 'Share', etc. Custom events provide additional context and information about user interactions.

Both standard and custom events can be used to track user actions, optimize campaigns, and evaluate the effectiveness of marketing efforts on TikTok. By implementing the appropriate event codes, advertisers can gain valuable insights into user behavior and make informed decisions for their campaigns.

What is TikTok Pixel and why is it important for website tracking?

TikTok Pixel is a tracking code provided by TikTok, a popular social media platform. It is an analytics tool that allows website owners to measure the effectiveness of their advertising campaigns by tracking user behavior on their websites.

The TikTok Pixel code is embedded in the website's source code, just like other tracking pixels such as Facebook Pixel or Google Analytics. When a user visits the website, the pixel collects and sends data back to TikTok, providing insights into user actions, conversions, and other vital metrics for businesses.

By implementing TikTok Pixel, website owners can optimize their advertising efforts by understanding which TikTok ads are driving traffic, conversions, or engagement on their site. It helps businesses analyze user behavior, measure the success of their campaigns, retarget specific audience segments, and make data-driven marketing decisions.

In summary, TikTok Pixel is important for website tracking as it enables businesses to track and analyze the impact of their TikTok advertising, allowing them to optimize their marketing strategies and improve overall campaign performance.

What is the event optimization feature of TikTok Pixel?

The event optimization feature of TikTok Pixel allows advertisers to track and optimize specific events or actions that users take on their website or app after viewing or interacting with TikTok ads. These events can include things like making a purchase, adding items to a shopping cart, signing up for a newsletter, or completing a registration form.

By implementing the TikTok Pixel and tracking these events, advertisers can gain insights into user behavior and measure the effectiveness of their ad campaigns in driving desired actions. They can then optimize their campaigns based on these insights, targeting users who are more likely to complete the desired actions and achieving better results.

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