Installing ElasticSearch on OVHcloud?

6 minutes read

Installing ElasticSearch on OVHcloud involves several steps:

  1. Accessing the OVHcloud management interface and logging into your account.
  2. Create a new virtual machine (VM) instance on OVHcloud. Choose the appropriate specifications for your needs, such as CPU, RAM, and storage capacity. Ensure that the VM meets the system requirements for ElasticSearch.
  3. Once the VM is created, you need to connect to it via SSH. Use a terminal application or SSH client to connect securely to the VM.
  4. Update the package lists on the VM by running the command: sudo apt update
  5. Install Java Development Kit (JDK) since ElasticSearch requires Java to run. You can install OpenJDK by running the following command: sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk
  6. After the JDK installation is complete, download the ElasticSearch package. Visit the ElasticSearch official website and obtain the download link for the Debian package that matches your system architecture. Use the wget command to download the package directly to your VM.
  7. Install the downloaded ElasticSearch package using the dpkg package installer. Use the command: sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-{version}.deb
  8. Once the installation is complete, start the ElasticSearch service by running: sudo systemctl start elasticsearch
  9. Enable ElasticSearch to start on system boot with the command: sudo systemctl enable elasticsearch
  10. Verify the installation by accessing the ElasticSearch endpoint through your web browser or by using command-line tools like curl. By default, ElasticSearch listens on port 9200. You can test it by running: curl http://localhost:9200
  11. Optionally, you may want to secure your ElasticSearch instance by configuring firewall rules, setting up authentication, and limiting access only to trusted sources.

By following these steps, you can install ElasticSearch on OVHcloud and begin utilizing its powerful search and analytics capabilities.

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What is the purpose of ElasticSearch?

ElasticSearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine used for storing, searching, and analyzing large volumes of data in near real-time. Its purpose is to provide a powerful and scalable search functionality, allowing users to quickly and efficiently query and retrieve relevant information from large datasets across various sources. It is commonly used for applications such as log and event data analysis, full-text search, business analytics, and data visualization. ElasticSearch also offers features like distributed document-oriented storage, support for structured and unstructured data, automatic sharding and replication, and integration with other tools and frameworks in the Elastic Stack.

How to enable automatic backups for ElasticSearch on OVHcloud?

To enable automatic backups for ElasticSearch on OVHcloud, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your OVHcloud account and navigate to the "Public Cloud" section.
  2. Click on "OpenStack" and select your desired project.
  3. In the left sidebar, click on "Elasticsearch" under the "Database" section.
  4. Choose the ElasticSearch instance for which you want to enable automatic backups.
  5. In the ElasticSearch instance overview, click on the "Backups" tab.
  6. Click on the "Create a backup plan" button.
  7. Configure the backup plan by providing a name, description, and frequency (daily, weekly, or monthly) for the backups.
  8. Choose the retention period for the backups, which specifies how long the backups will be kept.
  9. Select the storage target for the backups. You can choose to store the backups in OVHcloud's Object Storage or a public cloud provider like Amazon S3.
  10. Review the backup plan settings and click on the "Confirm" button to create the backup plan.

Once the backup plan is created, OVHcloud will automatically take backups of your ElasticSearch instance according to the specified frequency. You can also manage and restore backups from the "Backups" tab in the ElasticSearch instance overview.

How to enable shard allocation awareness in ElasticSearch on OVHcloud?

To enable shard allocation awareness in ElasticSearch on OVHcloud, you need to follow these steps:

  1. SSH into your OVHcloud server where ElasticSearch is installed.
  2. Open the ElasticSearch configuration file using a text editor. The location of the configuration file may vary depending on your setup, but it is typically located at /etc/elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml.
  3. Add the following lines to the configuration file:
cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.attributes: rack
cluster.routing.allocation.awareness.force.rack.values: rack1,rack2,rack3

In the above example, we assume that you have three racks named rack1, rack2, and rack3. Adjust the values according to your environment.

  1. Save the changes and exit the editor.
  2. Restart the ElasticSearch service to apply the new configuration. The command to restart the service may vary depending on your operating system. For example, on Ubuntu, you can use the following command:
sudo systemctl restart elasticsearch

  1. After the service restarts, ElasticSearch will allocate shards with consideration for rack awareness.

Note: Make sure that your OVHcloud setup has appropriate rack configurations. If not, you may need to consult with OVHcloud support or your infrastructure team to set up the racks properly.

Also, keep in mind that shard allocation awareness is a feature aimed at ensuring data availability and fault tolerance by spreading shards across different racks. Make sure to plan your cluster's rack setup accordingly to utilize this feature effectively.

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