Tutorial: Run Ghost on GoDaddy?

9 minutes read

Running Ghost on GoDaddy is a tutorial that guides you through the process of setting up and running a Ghost blog on GoDaddy hosting. Ghost is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) that is specifically designed for creating professional blogs and publications.

The tutorial covers the steps required to install Ghost on GoDaddy's shared hosting environment. It explains how to create a new database on GoDaddy, install Node.js, and set up the required dependencies for running Ghost. You will also learn how to configure your GoDaddy hosting account and connect it to your domain name.

The tutorial provides instructions for downloading and installing the latest version of Ghost and setting it up to run on your GoDaddy hosting account. It includes details on configuring the Ghost environment to ensure optimal performance, such as setting up a custom domain name and configuring SSL encryption for secure browsing.

Additionally, the tutorial touches on troubleshooting common issues that may arise during the installation process, and it provides tips on optimizing performance and security settings for your Ghost blog.

By following this tutorial, you'll be able to successfully set up Ghost on your GoDaddy hosting account and start creating and publishing content on your blog using the powerful features offered by Ghost CMS.

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How to track website analytics in Ghost on GoDaddy?

To track website analytics in Ghost on GoDaddy, you can follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to your GoDaddy account and go to the Products page.
  2. Under Web Hosting, click on the Manage button next to your Ghost website.
  3. On the Ghost dashboard, go to the Integrations section and click on the Add Integration button.
  4. From the available integrations, select the analytics provider of your choice. Some popular options include Google Analytics, Plausible, and Matomo (formerly Piwik).
  5. Follow the specific instructions for the selected analytics provider to set up the integration.
  6. Once the integration is set up, you will receive a tracking code or a script.
  7. Copy the provided tracking code or script.
  8. In Ghost, go to the Ghost Admin panel by appending "/ghost" to your website URL (e.g., example.com/ghost).
  9. In the Ghost Admin panel, go to the Settings section and click on the Code Injection tab.
  10. Paste the tracking code or script into the header or footer section, depending on the instructions provided by your analytics provider.
  11. Save the changes and exit the Ghost Admin panel.
  12. Allow some time for the analytics provider to start tracking your website's data.
  13. Visit the analytics provider's website or dashboard to see your website analytics and track the desired metrics, such as pageviews, traffic sources, and user behavior.

Note: The exact steps may vary slightly depending on the specific Ghost version and hosting environment on GoDaddy. Make sure to refer to the respective documentation for more detailed instructions.

How to configure a custom domain in Ghost on GoDaddy?

To configure a custom domain in Ghost on GoDaddy, you will need to follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your GoDaddy account and navigate to the Domain Manager.
  2. Locate the domain you want to use for your Ghost blog and click on it.
  3. In the Settings tab, scroll down to the "Forwarding" section and click on the "Add" button.
  4. In the "Forward to" field, enter the URL of your Ghost blog (e.g., https://yourblog.ghost.io).
  5. Choose the "301 (Permanent)" option for the type of forwarding.
  6. Enable the "Update my DNS setting to support this change" option.
  7. Click "Save" to save the changes.
  8. Navigate to the DNS Zone File tab.
  9. Look for the "CNAME (Alias)" section and click on the "Edit" button.
  10. Add a new CNAME record with the following settings:
  • Host: www
  • Points to: yourblog.ghost.io
  1. Click "Save" to save the CNAME record.
  2. Wait for the changes to propagate, which may take some time (usually a few minutes to a couple of hours).

Once the changes have propagated, you should be able to access your Ghost blog using your custom domain (e.g., https://www.yourdomain.com).

What is Markdown and how to use it in Ghost on GoDaddy?

Markdown is a lightweight markup language used for formatting and styling text. It is commonly used in web writing and publishing platforms like Ghost. Markdown allows you to write plain text that can be easily converted to HTML for displaying on websites.

To use Markdown in Ghost on GoDaddy, follow these steps:

  1. After logging in to your Ghost admin panel, create or edit a post or page.
  2. In the editor, switch to the Markdown mode by clicking on the "..." button at the top right corner of the editor.
  3. Now you can write your content using Markdown syntax. For example, using asterisks (*) or underscores (_) around a word or phrase will make it italic (italic) or bold (bold). To create headings, prefix the line with one or more hash symbols (#) - e.g., # Heading 1, ## Heading 2, and so on. To create bullet or numbered lists, start each line with a dash (-) or a number (1.). There are many more formatting options available in Markdown; you can refer to the Markdown documentation for a comprehensive guide.
  4. As you write in Markdown, you'll be able to see a live preview of how it will look in the right pane of the editor.
  5. Once you've finished writing your content in Markdown, you can save or publish the post/page as usual.

Markdown simplifies the process of styling and formatting content in Ghost, allowing you to focus on writing rather than worrying about complex HTML tags.

What is a Ghost theme and how to install it on GoDaddy?

A Ghost theme is a template or design that can be applied to a Ghost blog or website to change its appearance. Ghost is a popular open-source content management system (CMS) that focuses solely on blogging.

To install a Ghost theme on GoDaddy, you can follow these steps:

  1. Access your GoDaddy hosting account and navigate to the cPanel.
  2. In the cPanel, find the "File Manager" or "FTP File Manager" option and open it.
  3. Locate the directory where your Ghost installation is located. This is typically in the "public_html" folder or a subfolder of it.
  4. Enter the Ghost installation directory and find the "content" folder.
  5. Inside the "content" folder, you will find another folder named "themes". Open it.
  6. Now, you can either directly upload the Ghost theme to the "themes" folder, or create a new folder for the theme within it.
  7. Once the theme is uploaded, you need to extract its files if it was uploaded as a ZIP file.
  8. After extracting the theme files, go to your Ghost admin panel. This is typically accessible by visiting "yourdomain.com/ghost".
  9. Log in to your Ghost admin panel using your credentials.
  10. In the admin panel, go to the "Settings" section and select "Design" or "Themes".
  11. You should see the newly uploaded theme listed there. Click on it to activate it as your blog's theme.
  12. Save the changes, and your Ghost blog should now use the newly installed theme.

Remember to check the theme's documentation or instructions to ensure that you follow any specific installation steps provided by the theme's author.

What are the best plugins to enhance the functionality of Ghost on GoDaddy?

There are several plugins that can enhance the functionality of Ghost on GoDaddy. Here are some of the best plugins:

  1. AMP Plugin: This plugin helps to generate Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) for your Ghost website, making it load faster on mobile devices.
  2. Disqus Plugin: Disqus is a popular commenting system. This plugin allows you to easily integrate Disqus comments on your Ghost website.
  3. Mailgun Plugin: This plugin enables you to send transactional emails from your Ghost website using Mailgun's email delivery service.
  4. Google Analytics Plugin: The Google Analytics plugin allows you to track your website's traffic and user behavior. It integrates Google Analytics code into your Ghost website.
  5. Share Plugin: This plugin adds social sharing buttons to your Ghost website, allowing visitors to easily share your content on various social media platforms.
  6. Members Plugin: The Members plugin adds membership functionality to your Ghost website, allowing you to create and manage paid subscriptions or gated content.
  7. SEO Plugin: The SEO plugin helps optimize your Ghost site for search engines by providing features like XML sitemaps, meta tags, canonical URLs, and more.
  8. Code injection Plugin: This plugin allows you to inject custom code (HTML, CSS, or JavaScript) into specific parts of your Ghost website, giving you more flexibility and customization options.

It's worth noting that not all plugins are officially supported by Ghost or designed specifically for GoDaddy. Therefore, it's advisable to review plugin compatibility and check user reviews before installing them on your Ghost website hosted on GoDaddy.

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