How to Run CyberPanel on Web Hosting?

10 minutes read

To run CyberPanel on web hosting, you need to follow these steps:

  1. Choose a hosting provider: Look for a web hosting provider that supports the requirements for running CyberPanel. Ensure the hosting package offers enough resources such as disk space, RAM, and CPU power.
  2. Purchase a hosting plan: Select a suitable hosting plan and complete the purchase. You will receive the necessary login details and access to your hosting control panel.
  3. Access the control panel: Log in to your hosting control panel using the provided credentials. The control panel may vary depending on the hosting provider, but popular options include cPanel and Plesk.
  4. Create a new website: Locate the option to create a new website or add a domain to your hosting account. Enter the required details, including your domain name and website settings.
  5. Install CyberPanel: Check if your hosting provider supports an easy installation script for CyberPanel. Look for options like Softaculous or Installatron within your control panel. If available, locate and run the installer for CyberPanel.
  6. Configure CyberPanel: Once CyberPanel is installed, access it by visiting your domain's URL followed by "/admin". For example, if your domain is "", enter "" in your web browser. Follow the on-screen instructions to set up your administrative account and complete the configuration.
  7. Manage your websites: With CyberPanel installed and configured, you can start managing your websites. Create new websites, set up email accounts, configure DNS settings, install applications, and perform other necessary tasks using CyberPanel's user-friendly interface.
  8. Secure your CyberPanel installation: It's crucial to implement security measures to protect your CyberPanel installation. Regularly update CyberPanel to the latest version, use strong passwords, enable a firewall, and consider additional security plugins or tools.

Remember, running CyberPanel on web hosting requires technical knowledge, and it's recommended to familiarize yourself with the documentation and tutorials provided by CyberPanel or your hosting provider for detailed guidance.

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What is CyberPanel and how does it work?

CyberPanel is a web hosting control panel that simplifies the process of managing websites and hosting environments. It is designed to increase efficiency and performance while reducing the complexity associated with traditional control panels.

CyberPanel works by leveraging the power of OpenLiteSpeed, a high-performance web server. It utilizes LiteSpeed's Event-Driven Architecture, which enables it to handle a large number of concurrent connections with minimal resource usage. This allows websites hosted on CyberPanel to load faster and handle more traffic compared to other control panels.

Some key features of CyberPanel include:

  1. Easy installation: CyberPanel can be installed with a single command, making it quick and straightforward to set up.
  2. Advanced DNS management: It provides DNS clustering and DNS templates for easy management of DNS records.
  3. One-click application installer: It offers a one-click installer for popular web applications like WordPress and Joomla.
  4. Website and domain management: CyberPanel allows users to add and manage websites, domains, and subdomains easily.
  5. Email management: It provides a simple interface to create and manage email accounts, along with features like webmail and email forwarding.
  6. Automatic backups: It includes built-in backup functionality, allowing users to schedule automatic backups and restore them when needed.
  7. Security features: CyberPanel offers various security enhancements such as SSL certificate management, brute-force protection, and IP blocking.

Additionally, CyberPanel has a user-friendly interface that is clean and easy to navigate, making it suitable for both beginners and experienced users in managing web hosting environments.

What is the difference between OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise in CyberPanel?

OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise are both web server software packages available in CyberPanel, but they have some differences:

  1. OpenLiteSpeed: OpenLiteSpeed is the open-source version of LiteSpeed web server. It offers high performance and scalability. It supports most features available in LiteSpeed Enterprise, but some advanced features and commercial support options may not be available with OpenLiteSpeed.
  2. LiteSpeed Enterprise: LiteSpeed Enterprise is the commercial version of LiteSpeed web server. It provides additional features, improved performance, and dedicated commercial support. LiteSpeed Enterprise is licensed and requires a subscription for ongoing usage and support.

In CyberPanel, choosing between OpenLiteSpeed and LiteSpeed Enterprise depends on your requirements. OpenLiteSpeed is suitable for most small to medium-sized websites and projects, providing excellent performance and functionality. On the other hand, LiteSpeed Enterprise offers more advanced features and is generally recommended for high-traffic or enterprise-level websites that require dedicated support and additional functionality.

How to configure SSL certificates for websites in CyberPanel?

To configure SSL certificates for websites in CyberPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your CyberPanel dashboard.
  2. In the left-hand menu, navigate to Websites > List Websites.
  3. Locate the website for which you want to configure the SSL certificate and click the "Manage" button next to it.
  4. In the website management page, click on the "SSL" tab.
  5. If you already have an SSL certificate, you can choose to either import it or use Let's Encrypt to generate a new one. a. To import an SSL certificate, select the "Import SSL" option and provide the SSL certificate, private key, and CA bundle in the respective fields. Then, click the "Import" button. b. To generate a new SSL certificate using Let's Encrypt, select the "Let's Encrypt" option, and click the "Issue SSL" button. CyberPanel will automatically generate and install the SSL certificate for your website.
  6. Once the SSL certificate is imported or generated, it will be displayed in the "SSL" tab. You can click on the "View" button to see the details of the SSL certificate.
  7. To enable the SSL certificate for your website, go to the "Domains" tab of the website management page.
  8. Under the "Add Domain" section, enter the domain name for which you want to enable the SSL certificate and select the SSL certificate from the dropdown menu.
  9. Click the "Add" button to add the domain with the SSL certificate.
  10. After adding the domain, CyberPanel automatically configures the SSL certificate for your website.

That's it! You have successfully configured SSL certificates for your website in CyberPanel.

How to schedule and manage cron jobs in CyberPanel?

To schedule and manage cron jobs in CyberPanel, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your CyberPanel control panel.
  2. Once logged in, click on the "Cron Jobs" option under the "Advanced" section in the left-hand navigation menu.
  3. On the next page, click on the "Create Cron Job" button.
  4. In the "Command" field, enter the command that you want to run at the scheduled time. For example, if you want to run a PHP script, you can enter the command: php /path/to/script.php.
  5. Next, choose the frequency of the cron job by selecting the appropriate options from the "Common Settings" dropdown. You can also manually set the schedule using the "Minute", "Hour", "Day of the Month", "Month", and "Day of the Week" fields.
  6. Choose the user that the cron job should run as from the "User" dropdown. By default, it will be run as the current user.
  7. If you want to receive email notifications for the cron job, enter your email address in the "Email" field. You can also leave it blank if you don't want to receive any notifications.
  8. After setting up the cron job options, click on the "Create" button to save and schedule the cron job.
  9. Once created, you will see the new cron job listed on the Cron Jobs page. From this page, you can edit or delete cron jobs as needed.

That's it! You have now scheduled and managed a cron job in CyberPanel. The cron job will run automatically based on the schedule you set.

How to enable and manage SSH access in CyberPanel?

To enable and manage SSH access in CyberPanel, you can follow these steps:

  1. Log in to the CyberPanel admin panel.
  2. Navigate to the "SSH Access" section under the "Services" tab.
  3. To enable SSH access, toggle the "Enable SSH Access" button to the "On" position.
  4. The default SSH port is 22, but you can change it if needed.
  5. You can add a new SSH key by clicking on the "Add Key" button. Provide a name for the key and paste the public key in the designated field. Click on the "Add" button to save the key.
  6. To manage the SSH keys, click on the "Manage Keys" button. You can view the list of keys, delete keys, or edit names for existing keys.
  7. To log in to your server via SSH, use the following command: ssh -p username@server_ip Replace with the actual SSH port number, username with your CyberPanel username, and server_ip with the IP address of your server.
  8. Enter your password and/or passphrase for the SSH key when prompted.
  9. You should now have SSH access to your server and can manage it using command-line tools.

Remember to use SSH access responsibly and keep your SSH keys secure to prevent unauthorized access to your server.

How to access the CyberPanel web interface?

To access the CyberPanel web interface, follow these steps:

  1. Open a web browser on your computer.
  2. Enter the IP address or domain name of your server in the address bar. For example, if your server's IP address is, you would enter
  3. Add ":8090" at the end of the IP address or domain name. This is the default port CyberPanel uses for web access. For example, if your server's IP address is, you would enter
  4. Press Enter to load the page.
  5. You should now see the CyberPanel login page. Enter your username and password to log in. These credentials were set up during the installation of CyberPanel.
  6. After successful login, you will be directed to the CyberPanel dashboard, where you can manage different aspects of your server, such as domains, emails, databases, and more.
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