
7 minutes read
From love 45 years ago the first email was sent and there was no limit to human joy. In 1994, a 37-year-old New Jersey resident admitted to the NYT: “If you don’t have an email, then you’ll probably get over 40 and very soon you will be a social outcast” Slack). Everyone was fascinated by email. They made films about it (You’ve Got Mail, 1998) and sang songs (Britney Spears “Email My Heart”, 1999). The golden time, when the main reason for accessing the Internet was only a mai...
2 minutes read
Would you like to turn off email notification about automatic WordPress update? By default, WordPress sends email notifications to inform you that security updates have been installed on your site. Recently, a reader asked if there was a way to disable these emails. In today’s article, we will show you how easy it is to turn off email notification of WordPress automatic updates. About Automatic WordPress Update WordPress is open source software and is supported by the developer community. ...