Kotik’s comment
An interesting marketing device from a gaming equipment factory – people made content support for clients a separate service. Producers publish articles about their most interesting customers in terms of information leads. Customers carry this content further to the masses, being engaged, in fact, in its distribution, attracting attention not only to themselves, but also to the plant. It turns out a kind of marketing boomerang, from which all parties benefit.
For examples of how explosive PR can shake up sales, you don’t have to go far. As it happens in B2C, it’s pretty clear: the agency hired by BurgerKing releases another “Look, don’t get aggravated,” and within half an hour it records the same aggravation. Corporate sales are a bit more complicated, but the same principle works. And if you have an interesting client, resonant publication will help raise orders for him and you. The main condition is the coincidence of the value series. But first things first.
When I opened a playground production company with partners, I completely ignored competition with the monsters of the state order. Reprofiling for “soft equipment”, this problem was eliminated. But still, the market is highly competitive: today you are releasing a new product – tomorrow the same goes to the local “Chinese”, only cheaply and angrily.
To make it clear what the information environment of the industry consists of today, it is enough to mention three phrases: the growth of retail space, Chinese consumer goods and the footprint of Kemerovo. One positive factor for two powerful negatives, of which the first is a depressing pattern, and the second is tragic layering.
How to work in such conditions? Naturally, increasing the level of trust and using non-standard informational channels. Since in our case the aggravation is only harmful, I decided to enter the information field from two sides: developing my own expert position in suitable areas and publishing joint cases with clients. At the end of 2017, the business in the gaming and development sites in Russia took the third place in terms of payback rates, losing only to convenience stores and hostels. So we have enough cases in principle. True, not every player is ready to implement a truly unique format of such a platform – so much so that it is interesting for lighting.
Therefore, when one day “Avira” received an application from the BDSM community for the manufacture of an “Andreevsky cross” from our metalwork, it became a real magic pendel.
That is, I had previously thought about launching a marketing boomerang: PR my clients – and you will be happy. And then there is such an unusual reason.
Of course, there were doubts, but after we, together with the PR and marketing specialists, analyzed the subscriptions of our Central Asia, they disappeared. Very soon we received confirmation of interest in the topic from the audience of the magazine “Secret of the Firm”, where we placed the case . 72 shots just from the page of the publication, thousands of likes and an explosive wave of interest in our non-standard production facilities!
But, first, they are really non-standard – we work only on requests, and each time – this is a completely unique story. And secondly, proactivity towards the client is one of the articulated sides of the brand, which at that time needed to be supported.
So, combining the pain points of the market, the need for pumping the strengths of the brand and viral information channels, we took the course UGC. And since then, user or partner content has begun to occupy an enviable share of our PR efforts.
But the main thing from which we proceed, forming such informational channels, is the question whether the client will be able to use an article, case or a loud phrase in his business. Why spend resources on promoting someone else’s business? It’s simple: for customers to return, because in our case, the share of retention is in itself a painful point.
With the echoes of the article in the magazine “Monday”, dedicated to the survival of customers after Kemerovo, we are still working. There we placed the implementation options for gaming spaces, alternatives to large marketplaces, which were then carefully checked or temporarily closed.
Naturally, we mentioned specific entertainment centers, with their cases. So they were able to use the article for their own purposes, and we – in their own. They received a source for broadcasting their advantages, we strengthened the expertise, retained customers for additional orders and found new ones ready to be placed on fundamentally different areas.
Nevertheless, the growth of trading platforms today has not only stabilized, but also shows a positive trend. And this is the latest history of our progress.
Having survived for 8 years of business development and numerous clones, and intelligence agents in marketing, we arrived at content-support of clients as a separate service. And today the launch of a marketing boomerang is an integral part of it.